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Hinweise für Verlage // Information for publishers

Verfasst: 25. April 2016, 12:00
von SpieLama
(English information for publishers at ... 61#p423665)

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Willkommen im Brettspiel-Forum von, der spielbox und SpieLama. An dieser Stelle findest Du Hinweise für Verlagsvertreter und PR-Agenturen. Hinweise für angemeldete Nutzer gibt es im Beitrag Tipps für Mitglieder.

Information for publishers

Verfasst: 26. März 2017, 08:32
von SpieLama
Welcome to the German board game forum from, the spielbox and SpieLama. If you're a publisher and want to ...

  • inform about your new games feel free do so and post an article at viewforum.php?f=5.

  • promote your crowdfunding-project feel free to do so and post an article at viewforum.php?f=57. If you have a German description of you crowdfunding-project or your games we prefer this version instead of an English one. If you only have an English one, please post the English version. Please inform the users, that you're a publisher by using a identifiable username or posting a disclaimer in your signature. If you don't have an account for our forum, you need to register first. You can do this for free at

If you're interested in a banner or other forms of advertisements at this forum or please contact Diara Jonge at