
Tasty Minstrel Games startet Crowdinvesting

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Beiträge: 5969
Wohnort: Wiesbaden

Tasty Minstrel Games startet Crowdinvesting

Beitragvon SpieLama » 19. März 2017, 22:17

Tasty Minstrel Games (TMG) hat ein Crowdinvesting gestartet. Das ist eine Finanzierungsform, bei der sich zahlreiche Personen (Mikroinvestoren, Investoren, Anleger) mit geringen Geldbeträgen über das Internet an dem Unternehmen beteiligen können. TMG möchte so 50.000 bis 1.000.000 US-Dollar einnehmen.

Auf der Plattform präsentiert sich das Unternehmen und antwortet auf die Fragen von Interessierten. Dabei gibt es auch Einblicke in die Unternehmensbilanzen.

TMG hat geschrieben:[...] TMG generated over $1.2 million in revenue in 2016 and over $1.4 million in revenue in 2015. Revenue spiked in January 2015 due to the launch of Scoville, Village Port, and Captains of Industry. Revenue spiked in November 2015 due to the shipment of the Orléans Deluxe Edition Kickstarter sales. Revenue also increased in May 2016 due to the Colosseum Kickstarter project and in November 2016 due to the launch (or import back in) of Guilds of London, Orleans Invasion, and Ponzi Scheme. Although annual revenue declined 15% in 2016, cost of goods sold declined 30%, dropping from over $1.1 million in 2015 to nearly $800,000 in 2016.

As a result, TMG increased gross profit by 33% in 2016 from over $350,000 in 2015 to over $475,000 in 2016. Operating expenses totaled over $510,000 in 2016 and over $360,000 in 2015. The increase in expenses was due to the expansion of the TMG team from five employees in 2015 to nine employees in 2016. [...]

Die Kampagne läuft noch 43 Tage. Interessierte müssen mindestens 150 US-Dollar investieren. Was bekommt man für das Geld? Michael Mindes, CEO and Mitgründer von TMG, beantwortet diese Frage auf der Plattform wie folgt:

Michael Mindes hat geschrieben: [..] We will utilize this investment for growth, there would not be any dividends or financial returns until after we have been able to achieve growth. If we raised the full $1,000,000, then every dollar paid out in a dividend, only $0.25 would go to investors.

With that said, I also do not want to take on investors without them having an opportunity to capture a return in the future. This would happen if we chose to sell TMG, or if we wouldn't want to do that, then stock buyback offers (and/or dividends) could be available in the future.

However there is certainly no plan to execute on these things until after TMG has seen significant growth and could afford to do these things.[...]

Das hat bisher fünfzig Personen überzeugt, die 32,933 US-Dollar investiert haben. Die Kampagnen-Seite findet ihr unter ... discussion.

Beiträge: 5969
Wohnort: Wiesbaden

Re: Tasty Minstrel Games startet Crowdinvesting

Beitragvon SpieLama » 27. März 2017, 19:59

Die Kampagne war erfolgreich.

TMG hat geschrieben:Equity Crowdfunding is Funded...

Thanks for helping us get to the point where our equity campaign is funded. We now have 81 investors who are investing $51,558. I am excitedly looking forward to what else TMG can do after this investment is wrapped up. I would love for you to join us as well. [...]

Cheers and Thanks,

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