
Spielregel Abenteuer unter Wasser Hans Hass Spears

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Spielregel Abenteuer unter Wasser Hans Hass Spears

Beitragvon embe » 20. August 2022, 17:07

Hallo Zusammen,

habe im Nachlass meiner Mutter das Spiel Abenteuer unter Wasser wiederentdeckt.
Das haben wir als Kinder gerne gespielt. Leider fehlt die Spielregel.
Sonst scheint es komplett. Würde gerne das Speil noch einmal spielen.
Wer kann mit der Spielregel weiterhelfen?

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Re: Spielregel Abenteuer unter Wasser Hans Hass Spears

Beitragvon Gistanro » 6. März 2023, 09:13

As the disc, which is below the board, is turned, various colors are visible via holes pierced in the top board. The player aims to go someplace else to gather additional value cards after doing the action dictated by the color at the present position of their diver pawn (take a number of value cards, an event card, or a "hazardous" card) each round. Every time a card is taken, the disc is turned, and because the holes are spaced far enough apart, the color can change at any time. There is a dice, but its major function is to decide how robberies will turn out electron dash

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Re: Spielregel Abenteuer unter Wasser Hans Hass Spears

Beitragvon elenabach » 8. März 2023, 08:19

Via holes punched on the top board, different colors are seen when the disc, which lies below the board, is spun. Each round, the player does the action specified by the color at the current location of their diver pawn (take a number of value cards, an event card, or a "dangerous" card), then seeks to go somewhere else to collect further value cards. The disc is rotated each time a card is removed, and because the holes are sufficiently separated, the color may change at any time. The dice's main purpose is to determine how robberies will work out.

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